Reset Password
This page will provide instructions on how to reset a user’s password in fiResponse. This information will be most useful for users who manage fiResponse user accounts for other users such as an Agency Administrator or other role that can access the User Access Manager (UAM) application.
Note: Users must have the correct permissions to access the UAM application.
Note: The instructions provided in this section are intended for users whose agencies do not have Single Sign On (SSO) integration with fiResponse. Users whose agencies have SSO integration with fiResponse should follow their agency procedures to complete a password reset.
Click the Users tab.
Use the Email, First Name, or Last Name field to perform a wildcard search for the preferred user.
Click the View button (eye) in the Actions column.
Click Edit.
Click in the Change password checkbox.
Enter the new password in the Password and Repeat Password fields. Ensure the new password meets all Password Requirements.
Click Save. The user will receive an email to notify them that their password has been reset.
Note: Users will be notified if there is any missing information in the User data section. If there is any missing information, complete the necessary fields and then click Save to finalize the password reset.