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Resource Dispatch Status

Review the table below to learn about all possible statuses, status icons, and status descriptions for resources in fiResponse applications. When a dispatch action is performed, or the resource status is updated, the color of the resource in the list and on the map will be updated to match the icon. Resources statuses may vary by agency or organization.

Note: If resources that should be available to dispatch to an incident do not appear in the Resource List check to ensure the preferred resources are “Active” in the User Access Manager Application, and that they are “Enabled as Resource” and “Active” in the Resource Manager Application.





Resource has been assigned to an incident but has not started travelling to the incident location

En Route To

Resource is travelling to the incident location


Resource was canceled while En Route To the incident

On Scene

Resource is working on the scene of the incident that is less than 100% contained


Resource working on an incident has been released, but has not left the incident

En Route From

Resource left the incident and is travelling to Base


Resource working on one incident is reassigned to another incident

Off Shift

Resource is unavailable for an assignment


Resource has arrived back at base and is available for a new assignment

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